Technology & Fiction
A hypertext note-taking system · A Zettelkasten is a way to organize and link together notes, where each note covers a single subject. It can be...
Recently, I acquired a MacBook Air M2 and began working with macOS as a daily driver. In my experience, macOS is convenient for working with both...
Short Story Collection · Subtext is a collection of cyberpunk short stories previously published on Medium.com by Victor O. Alvarez. As of today, it...
Colección Prosa Poética · Austral es una colección de poemas en prosa poética en español e inglés escrita por Víctor O. Álvarez. Incluye poemas...
Reading both versions of a book, text and audio, helps me digest and take notes of a book faster and more efficiently. Textbook versions are easier to...
To sort text lines with VIM you first select the lines you wish to sort with visual mode and then sort them. To execute this task follow the following...